Tonucci & Partners in the establishment and financing instruments in favor of Obton Italy Fund.

Tonucci & Partners, with a team coordinated by Stefano Lucarini and made up of Livio Esposizione, Pietro Rossi, Cecilia Mambrini, Lisa Tamburro and Teresa di Mario assisted Sagitta SGR S.p.A. management company with regard to the incorporation of closed-end real estate AIF reserved to qualified investors named “Obton Italy” concerning the revision of agreements relating to the sale and purchase as well as subsequent lease of photovoltaic assets amounting to a total of 31MW. The advice regarded also the negotiation of the project related to the financing of approximately Euro 102mln in favor of the fund and of the additional financial documentation involving the pool of banks composed by Natixis S.A. – Milan Branch, as structuring mandated lead arranger & bookrunner as well as lender Natixis S.A., as agent and hedging bank, UBI Banca S.p.A. – part of Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group – and UniCredit S.p.A. as arrangers, hedging banks and lenders.

Tonucci & Partners nella costituzione e nel finanziamento del Fondo Obton Italy.


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