The public traction Energy Community.

The ecological transition process involves not only public authorities but also all individual citizens called to respond to this important challenge also by way of promoting the development of Renewables Energy Communities (RES communities): an innovative model regarding renewable energies production, distribution and use. RES communities development and all benefits deriving from the implementation of such new self-consumption model into the Italian renewable energy framework were discussed during the conference “ The public traction Energy Community” which took place on June 27th 2022 in Rimini, organized by the energy service company “Plangreen S.r.l.”

The meeting was attended by Davide Tabarelli, Nomisma Energia President, and by Riziero Santi – President of the Rimini Province, Anna Montini – Ecological Transition Councillor in the Rimini Municipality, Stefano Bellavista – Chief Executive Officer of Unica Reti S.p.A. and Teresa Di Mario who represented Tonucci & Partners.

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