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Commercial communications and the consent of its data subjects.

Sending commercial communications for promotional purposes to users must always be preceded by the acquisition of a valid consent, which must be free, specific and accountable. The Data Controller is also responsible for implementing adequate organizational and technical measures in order to guarantee the correct management of the rights of the data subjects, with particular reference to the right to object to the processing.
This is what is established by the provision of the Data Protection Authority n. 133 of 20 June 2019.

Online services: EDPB guidelines available online.

Following a public consultation process, the European Data Protection Board has adopted the final version of the Guidelines 2/2019 on the processing of personal data under Article 6(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) in the context of the provision of online services to data subjects.

Procedure for dispute resolution regarding the Domain name: instructions and requirements for claims.

The domain name is a technical device to indicate in a comprehensible manner the address of a website in the world wide web, which corresponds to a single sequence of numbers.
The possibility to use letters combined with numbers allows to obtain domain names with a strong commercial impact. From this derives the need to create a system of protection against abuse of domain names similar and confusing with the legitimate owners’ ones.
It seems useful to examine the remedies available with reference to domains with geographical extension .it, relating to Italy.

Commercial communications and the consent of data subjects.

Sending commercial communications for promotional purposes to users must always be preceded by the acquisition of a valid consent, which must be free, specific and accountable. The Data Controller is also responsible for implementing adequate organizational and technical measures in order to guarantee the correct management of the data subjects rights, with particular emphasis to the right to object to the processing.
This is what was established by the provision of the Data Protection Authority n. 133 of 20 June 2019.

Data breach: the reporting form is available online.

The Italian Data Protection Authority has adopted and published on its website a personal data breach reporting form, outlining the information to be necessarily communicated to the Authority, for the purpose of simplifying the correct fulfilment of the administrative obligations imposed on data controllers with reference to any possible data breach pursuant to art. 33 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).

International survey on the respect for privacy: principle of accountability and enforcement of EU Regulation 679/2016.

At the end of 2018, a few months after the full applicability of EU Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of personal data, most companies and public bodies have understood the concepts promoted by the Regulation related to the principle of accountability; despite this, there are still significant shortcomings in the effective implementation of specific policies for the protection of personal data. This is the outcome of the international survey on respect for privacy (“Sweep 2018”) conducted by the personal data protection authorities belonging to the Global Privacy Enforcement Network.

Labor consultants act as data processors, the Data Protection Authority states.

The labor consultants act as data controllers pursuant to par. 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and the processing of personal data carried out on behalf of its customers must therefore be regulated by a contract or other legal act: this is what emerges from the letter of the Italian Data Protection Authority sent to the National Council of labor consultants on January 22, 2019.