Tonucci news En

Whatsapp chats are considered documentary evidence liable to seizure.

L’irriducibilità della retribuzione non si estende ai compensi erogati per particolari modalità di svolgimento della prestazione lavorativa.

The principle that a salary cannot be reduced is no longer applicable if specific working conditions differ.

Requisito dimensionale: è onere datoriale provare l’autonomia dell’unità produttiva.

Company size requirement: it is employer’s responsibility to prove the production unit autonomy.

Coca-Cola: lawful opposition to the “Master” brand.

Sicurezza sul lavoro: oltre a mappare i rischi, occorre individuare le misure preventive.

Safety at work: in addition to the risk mapping, precautionary measures need to be identified.

UK – IP professionals ask the Government to continue the application of the European Law after Brexit.

Reopening of land and not listed participation reassessment.