Media En

Court of Justice and Privacy Shield, EDPS positive comment.

The Romanian Government approves an important recovery economic plan.

Tonucci & Partners advices Triestina Calcio in its legal proceeding against Monfalcone Municipality.

Covid-19 and scientific research: in this way the European Union protects personal data.

Hoteliers and Venetian restaurants are ready to restart.

The challenge for the new appointed Italian Data Protection Authority.

Tonucci & Partners wins before the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, Latina, in a dispute concerning the procedure for the awarding of works concerning sports facility located in Anagni Municipality.

The implications of COVID-19 regarding law firms.

Webinar on gaming industry in Italy, the situation after two years from the implementation of the so called Decreto Dignità.

Tonucci & Partners with ANAGINA for an investment in Generali.