AIM ITALIA: Assisting SMEs and companies of high potential growth to be listed with AIM Italia. Tonucci & Partners, together with Banca Finnat and Confapi Milno, is moving ahead with a joint project regarding 1 April 2021
Nanotechnologies against liver tumor. Livera case. On 23 March 21, at 5.00 pm, LIFE SCIENCES FOR SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY the first WEBINAR took place: During 19 March 2021
LIFE SCIENCES FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. Tonucci & Partners is organizing 4 Webinars in collaboration with Departments of Biology and Economic & Business Sciences 16 March 2021
Extension of temporary provisions on the reduction of capital in the emergency period COVID-19 The amended Article 6 of the Liquidity Decree – in force since 1 January 2021 – allows companies 15 March 2021
Vaccination pass, a new chaos broke out. Alessandro del Ninno of Tonucci & Partners was interviewed by Il Sole 24 Ore with regard to many 9 March 2021
Data transfer outside the EU after the “Shrems II” judgment: first recommendations of the European Data Protection Board. The European Data Protection Board on 11 November 2020 adopted the first recommendations n. 1/2020 that provide an 15 February 2021
2020 Corruption Perceptions Index: Italy steady but needs to keep on fighting against corruption. 2020 Corruption Perception Index published on 28 January 2021 by Transparency International ranks Italy 52nd out of 180 1 February 2021
2021 BUDGET LAW: NEWS REGARDING “TRANSITION 4.0” PROJECT. By way of some changes, Law no. 178/2020 extends the investment bonus in capital goods, the R & 27 January 2021
Commercial lease: coronavirus and tenant protection. Tonucci & Partners is back with its publications concerning lockdown related issues and problems of major impact and 13 November 2020
Milan restarts candidating itself to run one of the central offices of the Unified Patent Court. The city of Milan has been nominated by the Italian Government as a candidate for a centralized division 6 October 2020
The future of the legal profession in the light of Covid-19 in different jurisdictions (Italy). On September 26th 2020, Marco Monaco Sorge, Corporate & Finance lawyer at Tonucci & Partners and global Co-Chair of the Young 26 September 2020
Electronic Commerce: current legal and technical scenarios and future perspectives in light of AI solutions and new purchasing modalities. CONFERENCE – On September 29, 2020 Alessandro Del Ninno of Tonucci & Partners lectured on “Electronic Commerce: current 25 September 2020