Continuity and change: issues to be considered by the reform concerning beach concessions.

Tonucci & Partners in collaboration with Consenso Europa, set up the discussion table “Continuity and change: issues to be considered by the reform concerning beach concessions” at its headquarters in Palazzo Soderini on Tuesday, June 25th 2024.

The meeting, attended either in presence or online by leading institutional personalities, local administrators, trade associations, entrepreneurs and experts, represented an opportunity to address the highly topical issue of beach concessions renewal, considering principally the national and European regulatory framework, by exploring the role of local administrations and the consequences regarding the sector.

The event, moderated by the journalist Roberto Inciocchi, was attended by Giorgio Altieri of Tonucci & Partners and Marco Forlani of Consenso Europa with regard to the introductory greetings and Gianluca Bocchino and Piergiuseppe Venturella of Tonucci & Partners, experts in beach concessions and state property, who examined some of the most significant elements concerning the still unresolved problems that were represented at the table. The dialogue among local administrations and operators in the sector needs to bring forth effective solutions in order to manage the publicly available procedures of legal stability by assuring the implied subjects and empowering effective social and economic development of the territories involved.

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