Hélène Thibault appointed Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France in Italy. Tonucci & Partners lawyer appointed CCEF by the French Prime Minister.

Hélène Thibault of Tonucci & Partners has been appointed Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France in Italy integrating, thus, an international network of 4,500 business leaders and experts assigned as per French Prime Minister decree, who will be at the service of France’s foreign trade with their experience and know-how.

“I am extremely honored of this appointment which will enable me to contribute to the international development of French companies in Italy and the growth of French – Italian entrepreneurial ecosystem. – stated  Hélène Thibault – This appointment also confirms Tonucci & Partners skills regarding international and European issues. The assignment involves 4 missions: advice to public authorities, support for SMEs international development, training of young people in internationalization and promotion of France attractiveness. I hope to effectively contribute to further strengthen the ties between Italy and France.”


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