Italy’s profession. New industrial policy evolved by innovation and public investments revival.

Tonucci & Partners hosted in its roman headquarters at Palazzo Soderini the Round Table “Italy’s profession. New industrial policy evolved by innovation and public investments revival” organized by Consenso Europa. Among other guests, the event was attended by the vice minister of Ministry of Economic Development, Alessandra Todde, who pointed out “16% of our industry has interrupted its production while 30% is considering to take such a decision. The situation requires keen attention with regard to business world and a revision of our energy policy”. Member of Parliament Pierluigi Bersani took part as well commenting “politics need to take action in order to make selected choices and not for campaign or adverts”.

Th event was attended also by Luigi De Vecchis. President of Huawei Italy, Fabio Romaioli, General Manager of Confimi Industria, Andrea Rossetti, President of Assopetroli-Assoenergia, Francesco Seminio Foreign Relations Director at Acciaierie Venete S.P.A., Paolo Solferino General Manager of Leonardo International, Alberto Viano President of ANIASA – Confindustria, Cinzia Vezzosi vice president of ASSOFERMET.


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