He has been working at the firm since 2022.
He provides assistance and consultancy in the areas of personal data protection, cybersecurity, and new technologies.
He is a member of several Data Protection Officer (DPO) teams, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Having obtained a PhD, he was a research fellow at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento as part of the UNI4JUSTICE project, which promoted technological innovation in judicial offices.
He is the author or co-author of the following publications:
Il Decreto Whistleblowing a confronto con il d.lgs. 231/2001 e la disciplina sul trattamento dei dati personali, in Rivista 231, 2023;
Rhetoric and Argumentation in the Pandemic Legislation: The Italian Case, in The Pandemic of Argumentation, Springer, 2022;
TV Justica, le alterazioni della retorica giudiziale. Il caso del Supremo Tribunale Federale brasiliano, in Ragioni ed Emozioni nella Decisione Giudiziale, Quaderni UNITN, 2021;
Mediazione e docenza tra pari. La centralità della cooperazione, in Le parti in mediazione: strumenti e tecniche, Quaderni UNITN, 2020;
The acquisition of scientific evidence between Fry and Daubert, in OSSA Conference Archive, 2020;
In che senso i diritti umani sono universali?, Stamen, 2019, traduttore, autore: Prof. M. Manzin.
PhD cum laude in Comparative and European Legal Studies at the University of Trento (2022).
Law Degree cum laude at University of Trento (2017).
Admitted to the Italian Bar, Court of Padova (2022).