By notice published on its official website, IVASS announced that, due to organisational complexity resulting from the lockdown period and, generally speaking, from the health emergency related to COVID-19 spread, several associations have asked the Authority to reduce the number of hours of mandatory professional update training regarding intermediaries as far as year 2020 is concerned or to extend the deadline for completing the mandatory training hours to December 31st 2020. Given the importance of professional training for consumer protection, IVASS has decided to facilitate procedures for intermediaries by extending, as an exception, the deadline for complying with 2020 training obligations be completed, thus, by March 31st 2021.
L’Autorità ha da sempre mostrato grande attenzione per gli obblighi di formazione professionale degli intermediari assicurativi finalizzati, in ultima istanza, alla tutela del mercato. Confermando tale impostazione, l’IVASS ha ritenuto di favorire tali soggetti differendo il termine ultimo per la conclusione dell’aggiornamento professionale obbligatorio al 2020 sino al 31 marzo 2020.