Green Transition and Digitalisation. Viewpoints regarding employment and aggregations case.

The event “Green Transition and Digitalization. Viewpoints regarding employment and aggregations case”, set up by Milan Labour Consultants Foundation on Tuesday May 7th , was attended by academic entities and by business, crafts and several professions representative associations.s

Nicola Spadafora, partner of Tonucci & Partners and President of Milan Confapi, attended the meeting as a speaker, together with Prof. Alberto Bramanti (Bocconi University), Marco Accornero (Unione Artigiani), Salvatore Morana (Assintel – Confcommercio), Stefano Passerini (Assolombarda) and Enrico Vannicola (Confprofessioni Lombardia).

“I pointed out how the twin transition is impacting our SMEs, the true national economy protagonists– stated Nicola Spadafora – Many small entrepreneurs are, in fact, dealing and coping with these revolutions, guiding them and seizing the opportunities they themselves generate Energetic efficiency, care about the environment, digital processes evolution, artificial intelligence application are some of the issues which our companies, even small ones, are concentrated on in order to continue to grow and, above all, compete at a global level. Special attention needs to be paid, however, to the obstacles that hinder the implementation of these processes, first and foremost, to excessive bureaucracy, difficulty in accessing credit and lack of training, issues which urgently need structural reform actions”.

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