Gender equality in compliance and sustainability context.

The conference “Gender equality in compliance and sustainability context”, organized and hosted at Tonucci & Partners Padua office, in collaboration with Triveneto section of Corporate Lawyers Italian Association (AIGI), took place on Thursday May 16th 2024.

Moderated by Silvia Sardena of Tonucci & Partners who addressed the greetings together with Stefano Iesurum, Head of AIGI Triveneto, the event was attended by top-level speakers of several professions who discussed the topic from multiple perspectives, generating valuable and stimulating insights.

Speakers: Elena Bonetti, Member of Parliament; Paola Elisabetta Pedretti and Cristina Mazzamauro of Tonucci & Partners; Florinda Scicolone, Livia Schiavi, Consuelo Boselli, Valentina Giori, Irene Bernardinello and Enrico Gnesutta and Patrik Sambo.

Much appreciated all the participants who enlivened the Conference, sharing their ideas and inputs concerning equal opportunities in all sectors, a fundamental element useful to community progress and to the construction of a better and more equal future.

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