8th of March: the D-Desk to support female entrepreneurship is founded. The past year has witnessed loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, especially as far as women are 9 March 2022
Foodtech – boom grounds: trend analysis and scenario in Europe and Italy. Hélène Thibault of Tonucci & Partners moderated a Business Lunch regarding “Foodtech – boom grounds: trend analysis and 15 February 2022
Artificial intelligence and massive surveillance. Alessandro Vasta, new technology and privacy law partner of Tonucci & Partners, was interviewed in the context of 3 February 2022
This is how a NFT work of art is born, from crypto wallet to sale. Contribution by Carlo Scarpa of Tonucci & Partners to the article published on 24Plus and on Tech24 columns 31 January 2022
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Forensics. Alessandro del Ninno of Tonucci & Partners was the chairman of “Predictive justice” Session at the International Conference 28 January 2022
NFTs: the new boundary of Gaming. Contribution by Hélène Thibault of Tonucci & Partners regarding NFTs on Gioconews January edition, primary magazine dedicated to 20 January 2022
The right to disconnect in Italy, EU and the United Kingdom. Alessandro del Ninno of Tonucci & Partners was recently interviewed by Italians’ principal Radio in London, London One 18 January 2022
Romania: Opportunities for the Italian business. Tonucci & Partners hosted in its Rome headquarters on November 16th 2021, starting from 3:30 pm, the event 11 November 2021
Companies become more digital but there are still unsolved problems: a research explains them. Digitalization encourages business internationalization. The research conducted by Carlo Scarpa and Alessandro Vasta of Tonucci & Partners together 3 November 2021
Ethical by design. RESEARCH PROJECT – Nicola Sandon of Tonucci & Partners has been awarded a research grant to carry out 28 October 2021
Interview to Giorgio Altieri on Italia Informa – Economic Financial Magazine. Giorgio Altieri, partner of Tonucci & Partners, was interviewed by Italia Informa – Economic Financial Magazine (No.5 September 21 October 2021
Baxi, Better Silver and Bravo. International business generated by Web. Il Giornale di Venezia refers the contributions by Carlo Scarpa and Alessandro Vasta of Tonucci & Partners with 14 October 2021