A D-Desk© expressly set up on purpose in order to assist businesswomen, female entrepreneurs and working women, is online from March 8th. Women professionals and small and medium companies founded by women will have a team of experts at their disposal. A first approach by writing an email to ddesk@tonucci.com will be the initial step towards the assistance containing the indication of the iter to follow in each Tonucci & Partners legal and tax service activity area as well as in European Planning, Territorial Calls, Export, Training, Negotiation and Mentoring. Tonucci & Partners is committed in the sustenance of female work by concretely supporting women who courageously face the business world. Contact us at: ddesk@tonucci.com.
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No one is perfect.

Cristina Mazzamauro of Tonucci & Partners was interviewed by Radio 24 in the new chapter of “No one