Luca Spaziani PNRR and Health. The opportunities to build up a new Italian healthcare. There do exist a before and an after with regard to public health following Covid-19 spread. The pandemic 22 June 2022
Mario Tonucci Italy’s three steps: Energy, Investments, Simplification. ROUND TABLE – Italy is undergoing a delicate moment due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, 27 May 2022
Mario Tonucci Italy’s profession. New industrial policy evolved by innovation and public investments revival. Tonucci & Partners hosted on April 5th in its roman headquarters at Palazzo Soderini the Round Table “Italy’s 4 April 2022
Daria Capotorto 8th of March: the D-Desk to support female entrepreneurship is founded. The past year has witnessed loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, especially as far as women are 9 March 2022
Giuseppe Mongiello Venice Hotel Market 2021. On 14 July 2021 Venice hosted the 4th edition of the “Venice Hotel Market” organised by Associazione Veneziana 6 July 2021
Alessia Capozzi Consistent increase of anti-Covid policies to travel safely. Beware of frauds, in any case. Contribution by Alessia Capozzi of Tonucci and Partners on several newspapers with the article “Consistent increase of anti-Covid 1 July 2021
Nicola Sandon Covid: the Data Protection Authority stops the “Mitiga” app. By Order No. 224 dated 3 June 2021, the Italian Data Protection Authority has urgently ordered the temporary 28 June 2021
Nicola Sandon Vaccination in the workplace: data protection guidelines. Following the provisions related to the activation of special vaccination hubs against Covid-19 in workplaces, contained in the 24 May 2021
boscariol Patent is not the obstacle to obtain anti Covid vaccines. Contribution by Fabio Boscariol De Roberto of Tonucci & Partners on AboutPharma. The author illustrates his point of 7 May 2021
Andrea Loiaconi PANDEMIC AND CYBERCRIME. Contribution by Andrea Loiaconi of Tonucci & Partners on the magazine “Dimostrare – L’Unione tra il diritto e 30 April 2021
Luca Spaziani Public Procurement: an overview on current regulations in light of the so called Law Decree “Semplificazioni” as converted into Law no. 120/2020. “Public Procurement: an overview on current regulations in light of the so called Law Decree “Semplificazioni” as converted 27 April 2021
Nicola Spadafora Nicola Spadafora’s interview. Nicola Spadafora of Tonucci & Partners attended “Pane al Pane” broadcast aired by Radio Lombardia on April 19th 21 April 2021