Seaside concessions: the Government’s measure focuses on the investments conservation and quality of bids. In-depth analysis by Piergiuseppe Venturella of Tonucci & Partners on Gente.

Interviewed by magazine “Gente”, Piergiuseppe Venturella of Tonucci & Partners delved into some issues related to the provision approved by the Council of Ministers last September 4th 2024 regarding beach concessions which derived from the discussion with the European Commission by closing, in this way, an infringement procedure.

In relation to the extension of the aforementioned concessions expiry, set for 2027, Mr. Venturella highlighted that “each municipality must manage a complex project that impacts the territory development, often with limited staff and means: this is the reason of the postponement until June 2027, permitting the tenders to take place, but the Municipalities can implement them even earlier or, in case of difficulties encountered, by March 2028. This is not an extension, but a possibility for the Municipalities to guarantee beaches management continuity and confer the necessary time needed for the tenders, while confirming the legitimacy of those already carried out”

“This decree provides clear guidelines to protect either the investments or the quality of the bid – continued Piergiuseppe Venturella – focusing on professionalism, employment stability and promotion of young people’s work as well as on safety and environment protection and also on territory development”.


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