Metaverse is a term coined by Neal Stephenson on 1992 cyberpunk novel “Snow crash” to indicate a three-dimensional space within which natural persons can move, share and interact through avatars.
“We are at the beginning of a new chapter of internet age due to a new platform that will be even more immersive; an embodied internet where you are part of the experience, not just watching”. These words of Facebook number one Mark Zuckerberg have consecrated the metaverse as the “next big thing” in the digital world. However, there are still more questions than answers regarding the subject. Despite the uncertainties, recent research shows that 75% of companies are interested in the phenomenon, 7% have activated a pilot project and 4% are already using it for business purposes.
The Webinar regarding “Metaverse and Business: risks and opportunities”, promoted by the ISVI Association (Institute for Business Values), which members are companies and Universities (Cattolica and Bocconi), will take place on January 25th, 2023. Partners Danilo Martucci and Fabio Boscariol will participate on behalf of Tonucci & Partners.
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