Alessandro Vasta Digital market: actual setting and future prospects. Alessandro Vasta, Carlo Scarpa, Ivan Rigatti e Giorgio Alù Saffi of Tonucci & Partners attended as speakers Synergia 14 October 2021
Alessandro Del Ninno The conflict between Government and Data Protection Authority goes on although the new regulation does not imply less privacy rules. In his interview on Key4Biz online, Alessandro del Ninno of Tonucci & Partners discusses and comments the recent 8 October 2021
Alessandro Vasta Technological innovation, law firms driven towards Artificial Intelligence. Latest ItaliaOggi inquiry with regard to digital transformation within law firms hastened by the pandemic, contains a contribution 7 October 2021
Hélène Thibault Cybersecurity from innovators’ perspective and point of view. Hélène Thibault, Counsel and French Desk at Tonucci & Partners, participated at the round table “Cybersecurity from innovators’ 8 September 2021
Alessandro Del Ninno Technology, Law and investigations in light of the AI: interview to Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno. INTERVIEW – The magazine “DIMOSTRARE – The link between law and investigations”, published by private investigators, interviews Prof. 27 August 2021
Alessandro Vasta Sport and GDPR. A safe personal data processing in sport environment. Contribution by Alessandro Vasta and Nicola Sandon of Tonucci & Partners on Sport Economy with an article which 22 July 2021
Nicola Sandon Sport and GDPR. A safe processing of personal data in the sports sector. Nicola Sandon of Tonucci & Partners took part as a speaker in the conference “Sport and GDPR. A 30 June 2021
Nicola Sandon Covid: the Data Protection Authority stops the “Mitiga” app. By Order No. 224 dated 3 June 2021, the Italian Data Protection Authority has urgently ordered the temporary 28 June 2021
Nicola Sandon Extra-EU transfers: new standard contractual clauses approved. With Decision no. 2021/914 of June 4 2021, the European Commission approved a new set of Standard Contractual 21 June 2021
Alessandro Del Ninno AI FEST – Artificial Intelligence present and future in Europe. Contribution by Alessandro Del Ninno of Tonucci & Partners and Professor at Luiss G. Carli University as lecturer 16 June 2021
Nicola Sandon Business information: approved the final version of Code of conduct. As by Order No. 181 dated April 29th 2021, Italian Data Protection Authority approved the final version of 25 May 2021
Alessandro Vasta TechLaw Spring Webinar 2021. “TechLaw Spring Webinar 2021” took place on May 19th. Alessandro Vasta, – moderator, and Aurelio Lonigo – speaker, 25 May 2021